I was sailing along losing weight at a pretty steady pace and was down 22 pounds by June 24th. June 25th came and my world was turned upside down as my daughter attempted suicide. I found myself calling 911 and riding in an ambulance on a Sunday night rather than being in my jammies and heading to bed. The next 24 hours were probably the longest of my life as we waited by our daughter's bedside to make sure she was going to pull through. Thanks to prayers on her behalf our kind Heavenly Father pulled her through. Within those 24 hours my hubby and I found out things we didn't know that made us want to vomit. Things our daughter had been dealing with all alone afraid to talk about things. There was also great anger toward an older teen who didn't care about what our rules were as parents and he took advantage at every turn. He was also leaving me direct messages on a social media account trying to manipulate his way into things. Yes! There was anger!!!
While I don't have my surgery date yet I know I am getting closer to finding out. :) I finally got the call today to set up my psych. evaluation that is required before surgery. I've never had an evaluation like this one so it should be a new adventure. It is a two part evaluation. Both last 2 hours. The first is a written exam type and the second I meet with a psychologist. Should be interesting. A couple weeks after my upper GI scope I went in for an upper GI x-ray series where you drink horrible stuff that tastes like carbonated chalk. I was fine at first but after a while it made me feel sick and I didn't fully recovered for a week. I have decided I would rather have a scope than the x-ray/drink any day. I realize I had it easy...some people going through these tests have medical issues they are facing that are scary and painful. I remembered that while I was getting through the week after the tests. I have one amazing friend who has always been a